Our Partners and Supporters
We have received help, advice and financial support from a wide range of people and organisations, listed here. Thanks to everyone for all the help so far!
Public bodies:
- The Highland Council
- Highlands and Islands Enterprise
- Lochardil and Drummond Community Council
- Scottish Forestry (formerly Forestry Commission Scotland)
- Land Commission for Scotland
- North Highlands and Islands Climate Hub - for The Woods Gathering, July 2022
Private companies:
- LAS Plant Hire - for sponsorship, loan of machines and expertise
- Murchison Law - supplier of legal services
- Tulloch Homes Ltd - Former land-owner and financial sponsor
- Co-op Local Community Fund - financial sponsor
- Spar - financial sponsor
Charities and other organisations:
- Aban - we work together on outdoor and adventure projects
- Community Woodlands Association - we are members
- Community Land Scotland - we are members
- The Conservation Volunteers - we are members
- The Charter for Trees, Woods and People - we are members
- Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations - we are members
- Abriachan Forest Trust - helped us with community consultation and gave general advice
- The Woodland Trust Scotland - undertook woodland surveys and gave general advice
- Development Trusts Association Scotland - gave general advice
- The Folio Trust - financial sponsor
- Albyn Housing Association - financial sponsor